
Working together, we will help you test your ideas and really understand where you want to be. Only then can you make the decisions that will create an exceptional business.

We will help you navigate the changes to take your business to the next stage, whatever that may be. We support your growth ambitions by encouraging you to remain focused while creating a business that is differentiated and has real value.

The Sounding Board

Making big decisions better The Sounding Board is a group of entrepreneurs, professional advisors and generally nice people who love the challenge of running businesses and are happy to volunteer their time to try and help.

Build. to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process.


Helping entrepreneurial owners create a focused, differentiated business with distinct brand, vision and values.


Designing and implementing strategies to turn a profitable business into a valuable business.


Understanding that for successful business owners it is about much more than the money.

Upcoming Masterclasses...

Employee Ownership Trusts - an introduction

26 February 2025

The steady reductions in Business Asset Disposal relief announced in the Autumn Budget have led many to reconsider their exit options. In this session we will look at a range of possible routes with a deeper look at Employee Ownership Trusts.

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