Business Succession Planning - Where now? Repeat Session

Business Succession Planning - where now?

On 30th October Rachel Reeves announced changes to Business Asset Disposal Relief which will see the tax charged on business sales increase by up to 80% over the next couple of years. While tax at 18% is hardly disastrous it has brought succession planning higher up the list of priorities for many business owners.

In this session we will be looking at the main exit routes for business owners in particular looking at the advantages and disadvantages of Employee Ownership Trusts.

The session will conclude with an opportunity for questions and general discussion.

Date: 26 February 2025

Time(s): 5.45pm til 8.30pm

Where: The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ

The Masterclass will last around two and a half hours with questions and be of interest to senior decision-makers in organisations that are considering succession and exit options.

Coffee, tea and exceptionally fine cake will be served

The new format means this series of Masterclasses will have fewer places available. To encourage commitment we are now charging £20 per session. However, we will continue to cover the costs of these sessions and all ticket revenue will be donated to the Norfolk Community Foundation. Refunds will not be given for cancellations or non-attendance but you will feel the warm glow of knowing your money has been spent on helping someone!

Register here

Upcoming Masterclasses...

Employee Ownership Trusts - an introduction

26 February 2025

The steady reductions in Business Asset Disposal relief announced in the Autumn Budget have led many to reconsider their exit options. In this session we will look at a range of possible routes with a deeper look at Employee Ownership Trusts.

Find out more and book

What people have to say about previous events....

Radostina was marvelous, intelligent and had a lovely presence. Excellent speaker. Both talks were informative and intelligent. There were plenty of takeaways and the peer-to-peer conversation was engaging as well. Also, the cake halfway was a nice touch. I'll do anything for cake.

Rob Morley | Fountain Partnership

Beginning to plan seriously for retirement and being a relative newbie in Norwich, it was refreshing to be introduced to a firm that places great emphasis on technical analysis and thoughtful planning. Too often, in my experience, IFAs are more concerned with style over substance but Chadwicks, through their Masterclass sessions offer real insight into investment management and retirement planning. Whether as a professional adviser or, like myself, someone looking for genuine insight into the changing times of today, I would recommend the sessions wholeheartedly.

Andrew Thorpe | Former Finance and Operations Director | Jarrold Norwich

This was my first event, and I was impressed with how it was operated, the topics covered and the quality of the speakers.

Faith Pearce | MA Partners LLP

I have been a regular attendee at Chadwick’s business seminars for several years and without fail I have found the sessions to be useful and practical on the one hand whilst thought provoking and inspiring on the other. Many advisers can put on topical seminars, few can make you feel that you want to go on to study the subject yourself!

Dawn Parkes | Managing Partner | Hatch Brenner

Very Informative, with great speakers. Interesting audience engagement as well.

Jordon King | Delta Fire Ltd

Chadwick’s Masterclasses are one of the highlights in my calendar. Clearly, a great deal of thought and preparation goes into them, which results in useful and up-to-date information that helps me plan my personal money matters, develop my business and think more clearly about what to do next in this ever-changing world. I strongly recommend them to anyone looking to improve the management of their finances.

Lindsey Mack | Director

I cannot recommend Chadwick’s Masterclasses too highly nor say enough good things about them. Chadwick’s Masterclasses provide fresh insights and offer practical steps to build, maintain and retain value in businesses. Richard delivers clear and well-thought-out advice while challenging preconceptions. The workshops are thoroughly researched and never turn into sales presentations. I learn something every time I attend.

Paul Palik | Partner | Corporate Team | Birketts LLP

I enjoyed all the sessions and took away a golden nugget or two from each of them.

Tracey Aldous | Mint BB