Life 2.0: Investing After the Storm
After the storm – investing in a post-covid world
The 2020 market correction was, by some measures, the fastest and deepest ever; it was certainly the most severe we have experienced in our lifetimes. While markets have generally recovered, this is in large part down to the extraordinary measures taken by governments and central banks across the world. This session explores the longer-term economic and market implications of those measures and the increasing relevance of long-term trends, focusing on the potential impact on our ability to fund Life 2.0.
We will start with an analysis of the economic implications of the unprecedented increase in money supply and government borrowing, move on to look at the impact on investment markets before concluding by considering the long-term underlying drivers of change, in particular climate change.
We hope you'll leave the session with a clearer view of what to expect from your investments.
Date: 24 March 2021
Time(s): 10.00 am - 11.00 am
2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Where: This is a virtual session
The Masterclass will last an hour with the opportuntiy to continue the conversation.
Refreshments will doubtless be available from a kitchen near you.