Life 2.0: The New Normal

The last year has seen the world of work turned upside-down. Thankfully, it’s starting to feel as if normality, if not quite here, is just around the corner. What will the ‘new normal’ look like? We’ve learned a vast amount over the pandemic. Old stereotypes have been shattered and new possibilities revealed. How do we make the most of these opportunities?

We’re delighted to have two fantastic speakers. HR specialist Vanessa Forster will share her research findings on the ways companies around the world are adapting to the new work trichotomy – remote, office and hybrid.

Dr Wendy Ross will address some of the valuable aspects of team working that can be lost in a remote-working environment, drawing on her research in serendipity to consider ways of encouraging those chance corridor encounters in a world with no corridors.

About the speakers

Vanessa Forster is responsible for HR and Wellbeing at Chadwicks. She is nearing the end of a degree in Business and Leadership where her dissertation research has focussed on managing remote and hybrid working teams.

Dr Wendy Ross is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. Her research area is creativity and problem solving and she uses quantitative and qualitative methods to track thinking. She was awarded the 2021 Frank X Barron award for superior contribution to research in creativity, aesthetics and the arts by American Psychological Association

Date: 18 May 2021

Time(s): 10.00 am - 11.00 am

2.00 pm - 3.00 pm

Where: This is a virtual event

The Masterclass will last an hour with the opportuntiy to continue the conversation.

Refreshments will doubtless be available from a kitchen near you.

Register here

Upcoming Masterclasses...

Employee Ownership Trusts - an introduction

26 February 2025

The steady reductions in Business Asset Disposal relief announced in the Autumn Budget have led many to reconsider their exit options. In this session we will look at a range of possible routes with a deeper look at Employee Ownership Trusts.

Find out more and book

What people have to say about previous events....

Two great presentations - although I'd experienced the business sale process before was good to hear the pitfalls from James again. Richard is always easy to listen to and his delivery is great. James explained each element in a interesting way - could easily have lost people if the delivery had been tedious! Love the idea of the presentations - this one was less interesting to me than the previous one - cake made up for it!

Michael Bayley | Barric Limited

Radostina was marvelous, intelligent and had a lovely presence. Excellent speaker. Both talks were informative and intelligent. There were plenty of takeaways and the peer-to-peer conversation was engaging as well. Also, the cake halfway was a nice touch. I'll do anything for cake.

Rob Morley | Fountain Partnership

Beginning to plan seriously for retirement and being a relative newbie in Norwich, it was refreshing to be introduced to a firm that places great emphasis on technical analysis and thoughtful planning. Too often, in my experience, IFAs are more concerned with style over substance but Chadwicks, through their Masterclass sessions offer real insight into investment management and retirement planning. Whether as a professional adviser or, like myself, someone looking for genuine insight into the changing times of today, I would recommend the sessions wholeheartedly.

Andrew Thorpe | Former Finance and Operations Director | Jarrold Norwich

This was my first event, and I was impressed with how it was operated, the topics covered and the quality of the speakers.

Faith Pearce | MA Partners LLP

Very Informative, with great speakers. Interesting audience engagement as well.

Jordon King | Delta Fire Ltd

I cannot recommend Chadwick’s Masterclasses too highly nor say enough good things about them. Chadwick’s Masterclasses provide fresh insights and offer practical steps to build, maintain and retain value in businesses. Richard delivers clear and well-thought-out advice while challenging preconceptions. The workshops are thoroughly researched and never turn into sales presentations. I learn something every time I attend.

Paul Palik | Partner | Corporate Team | Birketts LLP

I enjoyed all the sessions and took away a golden nugget or two from each of them.

Tracey Aldous | Mint BB

Good choice of presentations, all of interest, good venue ... So many people don't think of the impact of retirement soon enough on both our finances and our wellbeing. All businesses would benefit from having these presentations for those in their late 50's and early 60's to get individuals thinking about what they need to do and what they want to do, to ease themselves into retirement.

Julie Lawrence | Unity Occupational Health & Wellbeing